There is too much sweat in the Gym
Wait I know!
That sounds like an oxymoron and the gym is perfect for sweat. I actually teach gym etiquette and been for 8 years. Well mentally teach gym etiquette, with my facial expressions. But let’s be honest some people sweat so bad they need a terry cloth track suit on.
Mine not yours!
I have a favorite machine that I’ve been using for at least 5 years. This is my machine! BUT Every now and then someone gets on my machine because I am late. I look around for a similar machine and go on. On this particular day, the abdominal snowman melting was next to the free machine?
Let me catch you up.
On this day, I entered the gym and no one was on my machine. It was a good thing, until I got closer. There was a guy on the next machine carrying a weighted bag on his shoulders, while walking on incline. His body poured with sweat and it was awesome for him, but not for me. His sweat was dripping, pouring, cascading all over the machine, the floor and the belt of his treadmill was wet. My work out spirit was now dampened with the mist of this vision, and due to this; I knew that I could not work out near him.
Please let me explain.
These feelings, I have are not his fault! He is allowed to sweat, do it but there was another heavy hitter that ruined my gym life. 3 or 4 years ago while I was jogging on my favorite treadmill; (Okay I was not jogging but I was walking very brisk, with arms moving. carry on) a gentleman was on the treadmill next to me and he was sweating profusely. Of course at first this did not bother me; then he wiped his eyebrow. What happened next is something straight from the books of gym horror. Stephen King could not make this up if he tried. But Brace yourselves please!
With Love
Sully Bugs Mom
The sweat he flicked away from his eyebrow, traveled off his head and landed on my face touching my lip and my eye. I literally almost died right there. Just imagine this; me standing there in all black, feeling good about myself. Admiring my fellow gym rats’ progress and all of a sudden an asteroid of body fluid traveling at top speed is headed towards my face. (Aerosmith's living on the Edge playing in the background) I wanted to run, I wanted to hide, and I truly wanted to dodge it. But for some strange reason my body froze up and I couldn’t protect myself. I failed myself!
It was horrible! I felt it go into my system and it started to mutate in my body. I was near tears as I jumped off the machine and ran to the locker room. Now at this time, I really was running, because this is worst thing ever. So if you see my running, know that it is serious or a clown is chasing me. (Long story) Any who, after jumping in the shower and scrubbing my face and trying to brush the enamel off my teeth. I felt myself coming back to normal. Please understand there is No judgment if you sweat hard but just remember those around you when you get the feeling to “Shake shake shake It off” (a little Taylor Swift humor).
With Love
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