My name is Mom and don't one up me
I have no idea what happened when I had my daughter. My
entire life changed, every single thing about it. Not in a bad way but in a
powerful, I am going to be the best mom ever way. My goals for my daughter is
she going to happy and I will write stories about her and I will be proud to be
her mom. With this attitude comes issues of that parent that needs to one up
everyone. Ever parent has at least one up story but not every story in your
Exhibit A: One day (of many days) I was telling the story of
my daughter’s first explosive diaper. Disclaimer: as a parent you know that there
are many explosive diapers. However, the worst one is always the first one. Back
to the story! So I get to the end of my story here is the bomb dropper, ”I had
to take the padding out of the car seat and wash it.” All of a sudden the one up
parents appears out of nowhere! He
starts (and maybe not in these words but I’m sure it is very close) “So my kid
did that one day, it was so bad that I had to basically throw the baby seat and
the actual car seat away. We couldn’t ever power wash that out.” Of course
everyone is absolutely mind blown. A million questions from those who want to
know: What did you feed that kid? OMG, did you take a picture? In my head I am
mad to the max. Who one ups a blogger? Like who just shows up to show out on a
I just want to know who sent this vile creature here.
Time goes on and I tell the story about my daughter who is
allergic to sleeping. Sullybug is like sleep is for babies in the womb; why
because it’s dark. It is a party in the light right here and right now baby. So,
there has not been sleeping in my house since 2015. Matter of fact, I might be
classified as a zombie, who survives off of oatmeal and coffee. Me, again in all
my glory, telling my story about how she slept for 3 nights in a row. The
ending of my story comes in: “boom, bang, POW and she slept for 3 whole nights
in a row. It was awesome.” Everyone was in awe that is so cool. Me, yeah it is.

I am mentally giving this guy the finger. Like I wish I had
4 arms right now. All fingers are all the way up!!
Who just comes to destroy someone else’s moment? He could
have told that story a week later or like fornever. First, I am a new mom and I
am telling my story. Mr. Creeper don’t come over here with your 5th
kid tales and adventures. Who cares if your kid can feed himself, or your kid
sat down when you said sit. He is 4 and she is 5, that is what they do.
You know don’t try to make another parent feel less valid because
you want your kid to shine. Believe you and I there are enough poop, and milestones
to share for all parents. Also learn when to tell your story. I never tell a
story that is worse or better than another parent if their body language is
reading happy about what my kid is doing! Matter of fact, one upper guy pick
one story and sit cha azz down. We all need our moment to parent shine!
With love
Sullybugs Mom
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