Freeeeeeeeeeeeee Free balling

We are trying to get healthy; Eating better, taking more steps, working out, yoga and many other things. But it is so easy to get discouraged but Don't stop! Get it Get It! (2 Live Crew) Then there are those times where you can only laugh and appreciate the journey of getting healthy.

A few mornings ago; I go to the gym do my workout and I get it done. I mean sweat dripping, music blasting, and treadmill humming! I was in my zone! Zoned to the max. Proud as I was; I enjoyed watching the sweat drip off my arms and face. This was and has been my motivation the past few workouts. Seeing my sweat and knowing I am kicking my fat's butt! When I was done, I cleaned my machine and headed for the shower. Oh the shower! The water at my gym is awesome! It is one of the few things that I am so glad that comes with the monthly payment. As I prepare for my shower I get my things together.
Roll Caaaaaaallllllll
Shower shoes... here
Towels... here
Soap and toothpaste toothbrush.... here, here and here
Shoes dress and shirt.. here here and here
Deodorant and lotion... here and here
Underwear and bra...... Underwear and bra

The anxiety that clouded my mind and covered my body like kudzu on a forest of trees. I felt hot and wanted to pass out. I started shaking. Do I call someone? Is this an emergency? Do I take the shower or go home?
I don't have my under clothes. Whyyyyyyy???!?!?!°

So I decided to take a shower and like a woman who just lost her favorite lipstick in the drain by the road, I pondered my next actions. What do I do? I mean what do I do? I can't go back home, I will get distracted.

And then I heard a voice over the shower. Just go to Walmart.
Thanks random lady in the gym, while I was talking to myself. She heard me scream when I first realized that my undies were not in my bag. Love her!

So I had to free ball it to Walmart. Commando it the World O Wally! You know it was not that bad, it was slightly liberating. Almost like running in the rain. But It could have been worst. I could have forgotten my pants.

With love and underwear

Sully's Mom


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